Thursday, July 28, 2011

ANOTHER new job

Our Papa's contract has come to a stop.

Not because the time was up, mind you, but because he was offered a job with a different company.

BCBS didn't like this.

So they threw their hat into the ring.

After a week of negotiations, and each offer being adjusted, we were able to sit down and breath, for the first time in over 2 years.

I am grateful that we now can focus on saving for savings sake, and not because "what if" the contract isn't extended.

Grateful to know that our bills will be covered, and people we owe can start believing that we will pay them back.

I am even thrilled that this new job means new contacts, friends, and just to have this cloud finally move on to the next unsuspecting family.

(I hope this isn't yours).

But I am very sad that we couldn't stay with BCBS.

Even more so now.

Today, about 4 hours after Papa faxed his contract to the new company, BCBS came back with another offer.

This one would have been just right, and now we feel stuck with keeping the other job.


A handful of reasons.

One, concern for a friend who helped him land this job. If he backed on the deal now, how would he handle it, plus how would his career suffer. He basically said if you don't hire (papa) you are stupid.

Probably not in so many words, but still he stuck his professional neck out there.

We heart him.

2nd, integrity. Following through on what he said he would do.

Is it enough to pass by the BCBS offer? I guess.

But I will always wonder.

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